CSS QCAB and CAB Packages

The strengthening provider governance responsibilities commence on 1 December 2023 (for providers approved prior to 1 December 2022). Whilst you may be well into your journey of establishing and recruiting members for your Quality Care Advisory Body (QCAB) and Consumer Advisory Body (CAB), – but have you thought about inducting these members into the QCAB and CAB? We have a package consisting of ready-made training material (PowerPoints) and templates (Word documents) that can be customised and/or delivered by our experienced consultants. Do your members understand the aims of the QCAB? Can they define the relationship between the Board and the QCAB? Can they list the reporting requirements and responsibilities of the QCAB? Can they outline reporting requirements of the QCAB?

The QCAB and CAB Induction Packages include:

Quality Care Advisory Body:

  • PowerPoint Presentation – Induction for the QCAB
  • QCAB Consideration of Advice Report Template
  • QCAB Report to Board – Sample Template
  • Appointment letter for QCAB
  • Template matrix – to assist in determining the attributes, skills, knowledge and experience of potential members of the QCAB. Including the number of members.
  • Committee Body Member Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement
  • Conflict of Interest Declaration
  • Aged Care Code of Conduct (Aged Care) RAC and HCP
  • Newsletter / template letter from board chair to send out regarding feedback
  • Annual Committee evaluation template
  • List of resources from the commission

Consumer Advisory Body:

  • PowerPoint Presentation – Member Induction for the CAB
  • CAB Expression of Interest Form
  • CAB Consideration of Advice Report Template
  • CAB Feedback Report to Board – Sample Template
  • Appointment Letter for CAB
  • Template – email/letter to sent to all persons who expressed interest in joining the CAB where there were too many applications, confirm that a short list will be held and they will be invited to join if there is an opportunity within the year or next year
  • Template matrix – to assess CAB applications to establish a group that meets an ideal number for a working group and provides a good cross representation of consumers, representatives, services, diversity, and demographics
  • Committee Body Member Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement
  • Conflict of Interest Declaration
  • Aged Care Code of Conduct (Aged Care) RAC and HCP
  • Newsletter / template letter from board chair to send out regarding feedback
  • Annual Committee evaluation template
  • List of resources from the commission

If you would like to purchase the training PowerPoints and documents to induct QCAB and CAB members, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we are here to help: info@cssconsulting.com.au or our general enquiry line: 02 9052 0292. Or use our webform at: https://criticalsuccesssolutions.com.au/contact/

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