Australian Government agencies and state and territories governments are continuing to monitor and implement strategies around Coronavirus (COVID-19) containment and control, including:
- Advice and resources from the Department of Health alert page.
- COVID-19 updates from the Department of Health (DoH) in their eNewsletter ‘Protecting Older Australians’ – subscribe to the aged care emails here. Past updates are available on the DoH website.
There is also a contact email of for further assistance.
Two COVID-19 eNewsletter update on 8 January 2021 included Single site arrangements for COVID-19 impacted areas in Victoria. Also earlier:
- Updated advice on visitation restrictions for residential aged care facilities.
- Testing of asymptomatic staff and residents of NSW and Victorian residential aged care facilities.
- General reminder on using and sourcing PPE.
- Stay up to date with COVID-19 exposure locations and alerts.
- Resources including: updated fact sheet: Guidance on preparing for and implementing single site workforce arrangements, report: Weekly data snapshot on COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian Residential Aged Care, updated campaign resources: National COVID-19 mental health campaign.
Email from DOH on 8 January 2021 outlining the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) shadow assessment management organisations.
The COVID-19 eNewsletter update on 9 January 2021, 18, 21, 23 and 30 December 2020 included updated advice for NSW residential aged care facilities and home care service providers.
Email from DOH on 24 December 2020 informing providers of Minister Colbeck’s letter to Aged Care workers.
Email from DOH on 23 December 2020 informing providers to nominate IPC leads.
Email from DOH on 22 December 2020 informing providers of the Services Australia Aged Care Quarterly Review.
The DOH Information for the Aged Care Sector – Issue 2020/27 on 22 December 2020 included:
- Operational hours over the holiday period.
- Release of CARE-IT Report.
- Updated Advance Care Planning Aged Care Implementation Guide.
- Communication Cards and Aged Care Signage expanded to 57 languages.
- LGBTI inclusive practice review tool for services supporting or caring for older people.
- Home care
- Home Care Packages Program Data Report 1st Quarter 2020-21.
- Improved Payment Arrangements for Home Care: Phase 1 implementation update.
The COVID-19 eNewsletter update on 21 December 2020 informing of the release of the Report: Independent Reviews of COVID-19 Outbreaks.
Email from DOH on 18 December 2020 informing providers about applications for the 2020 Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR) being open.
The COVID-19 eNewsletter update on 18 December 2020 included
- Extending mental health support for aged care residents.
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission resources now available.
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission visitor access campaign.
- Reminder – Stay up to date with entry restrictions to RACFs.
- Have a COVIDSafe Holiday Season.
- Resources including poster: Let’s be COVIDSAFE together, updated fact sheet: Testing of asymptomatic aged care workers – information for providers, radio ad: Grief and Trauma support for those impacted by COVID-19 in the aged care sector, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: Webinar on outbreak management guidance.
Email from DOH on 17 December 2020 informing providers of the updated schedule of fees and charges.
Email from DOH on 15 December 2020 informing providers of infection prevention and control training for residential aged care facilities in NSW.
Email from DOH on 11 December 2020 informing providers of new grant round open: CHSP growth funding for culturally and linguistically diverse respite services.
The COVID-19 eNewsletter update on 11 December 2020 included
- Webinar on a safe environment for visitors and residents.
- Stress testing your COVID-19 outbreak plan.
- Entry to residential aged care facilities – state and territory directions.
- Safer Care Victoria webinar information – Keeping the focus on healthcare worker well-being.
- Updated NSW advice to Residential and Home Care Aged Care Providers.
- Aged Care Workforce Retention Payment 3.
- Resources including ACQSC Outbreak management planning in aged care guide, ACQSC letter to providers – visitor access in a COVID-normal world, updated NSW advice for residential aged care facilities and home care providers, Guidance for a COVID-Safe Festive Season – NSW Government.
Contact CSS to discuss how we can support your organisation in implementing recommendations in these newsletters.
Contact: Alex Pirozzi, Business Manager or Cara Noye, Administration Manager
Email: or
Mobile: 0448 672 118 (Alex) or 0402 631 748 (Cara)